The road has been tough for EG

What to expect from Evil Geniuses v. G2

It doesn't look good for EG.

Evil Geniuses' start of the season is far from being the best, even before the season started, things didn't go as planned. Today, EG will face G2 to see who stays alive in the knockout stage and to see who gets relegated to the Showdown. G2 also haven't been performing well during this event, but, naturally, come into this matchup as favorites.

What can EG do?

Nine rounds in two maps against Vitality, a close series against NIP despite the loss and almost a week of rest and preparation, this is how BLAST Premier Fall Groups has been going for EG. The series against G2 will likely be a formality for the Europeans, but this is valuable experience for the young players, who need time to adjust to tier one Counter-Strike.

  • Jeorge is comfortable playing tier on CS

  • junior has been able to find consistent impact with the AWP

  • autimatic brings in much needed veteranship


Coming into this event, G2 didn't move a single piece of their roster, but the level of performance was nowhere to be seen during the group stage, except in the game against OG. Hurts to say this, but this series against EG may be exactly what G2 need to regain some needed confidence and get back on the track.

  • Very inconsistent performances all around

  • High highs and low lows

  • G2 is miles ahead of EG in every aspect

Previous Matchups

Evil Geniuses and G2 have never met before, and this will be a great test for the young and unexperienced players of EG.

Likely Vetoes

Both teams share the first pick, Inferno, so that will make things a bit harder to predict as EG will be able to first pick the map and G2 will have to find an alternative.

  • EG remove Vertigo

  • G2 remove Overpass

  • EG pick Inferno

  • G2 pick Nuke

  • EG remove Anubis

  • G2 remove Ancient

  • Mirage will be the decider

Evil Geniuses and G2 will meet on the server at 09:00AM.

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 22, 2023 01:29PM
No shot y'all predicted the vedos this perfectly you a bonus for every correct veto decision
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