JT has enjoyed playing with a full roster after two months with hallzerk stuck in Europe

JT on facing Vitality: "It's going to be be really good to see how close we are to them"

Confidence is running high after a strong overall showing against NIP today.

Complexity's debut with Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski was a breath of fresh air for NA fans after the dismal showing for Evil Geniuses in their own debut against Vitality earlier today. Despite it taking three maps to get the job done, Complexity looked like a much-improved squad, especially with Håkon "hallzerk" Fjærli making his return to the team after two months stuck in Europe. Following the win, Dust2.us' Gonçalo "GoncOak" Carvalho talked to Complexity IGL Johnny"JT" Theodosiou about the win, what COL have been focusing on improving, and the team's new look with EliGE on the team.

Great win, it was an incredible series, Inferno had two 8-7 halves while Nuke and Overpass had one each. How do you feel after such an intense match?

Just excited that we won our first game together as a team. We haven't played with hallzerk in over two months and it's our first match with EliGE, so just getting a win on the board on the first game is a really big deal. We still have a lot to improve on, we made a lot of mistakes in that game that we weren't making at practice and we will have a lot to speak about tomorrow in the review.

What do you think was the largest issue today after the match against NIP?

Most of the problems are micro details. We were outplaying them in general in the first two maps in terms of the team planning and the macros, so just looking at the details that we were messing up in the mid rounds as well as keeping the pressure on when we have man advantages. We're losing a lot of man advantages because we're just assuming we're going to win as soon as we get the entry kill. So, looking at those two things will get us a lot more rounds and we'll probably end up winning games like this 2-0 instead of 2-1.

Your calling has been praised by the cast and by some other personalities. It seems like you went up a gear during the off season, what did you do show this level here at BLAST?

I think my calling has been good in general most of the season, but with EliGE on the team he's a very consistent player and he's able to do his job really well. This makes it easy for the rest of us to formulate plans to do what we need to do. EliGE in the last two or three we have been playing with him has added a few things to the system that has helped a lot in the calling. It's a combination of EliGE playing really well and the amount of practice and prep work and system changes we made this week.

When I talked with EliGE yesterday, he said that you like to micromanage and you do it well. Today he led the team in frags, how much is that him taking initiative versus you micromanaging the team?

I don't think I micromanage as much as EliGE says. But we have a lot of keywords and things that we did mid-round in clutch situations. I'm really good at setting up people for kills so in general we get a lot of entries or mid-round kills because of my micromanaging, but it's not like an Aleksib-level thing.

Most of the time I'm letting the team do what they want in a loose style and they're ending the round the way I think is best.

Speaking of setting up your teammates, COL had 36 flash assists in the series. So, it seems that you're putting a lot of emphasis on the team's flashes is that a crucial step on your flow chart of how you're playing rounds?

That's something we're focusing on the last few weeks, that our in-rounds are as clean as possible. That was something we were struggling with before EliGE joined the team. So instead of having rounds being super chaotic and super loose, we've talking about them a lot and setting up a lot for the end of rounds even if they're just basic. It's been really easy for us to catch people off guard with flashes in general.

On Saturday, you will face Vitality. How are you looking forward to that match?

Looking forward to it. Even with the change they're still the best of the world, at least top tier, so it's going to be be really good to see how close we are to them. They had a really big game against EG and they dominated them. I'm hoping that we can do better, I think that if we play to our strengths and at our best we can still beat.

JT and Complexity will face off against Vitality on July 15 at 09:00AM.

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