BlackOut, Test Takers, Gorilla Gang, AZIO to EPICENTER open qualifier 2 semis
The second open qualifier for EPICENTER 2018 has reached the semifinals, with BlackOut, Test Takers, Gorilla Gang, and AZIO being the last four remaining teams. BlackOut will take on Gorilla Gang while Test Takers will face AZIO tomorrow to decide the final two.
In the quarterfinals, BlackOut defeated Hysteria, who were using Daniel "picky" Milazzo in the place of Nolan "bite" Hunstad, on Mirage 16-12. The match began quite close, with an 8-7 halftime score, but with the help of Jonathan "Jonji" Carey BlackOut managed to edge out the map win.
Goriila Gang took on Grizzlys (albeit with tENSKI playing for Samuel "Kizy" Leclerc-Dulong), and racked up a huge 12-3 first half. AWPer Josh "oSee" Ohm stepped up for this side, and helped them to close out the map easily with a 16-3 score. They will face BlackOut tomorrow.
In the third quarterfinal, AZIO played against FNS Had a Kit, a mixteam containing Kory "SEMPHIS" Friesen, Benita "bENITA" Novshadian, Gabriel "GMAN" Ordaz, Kevin "4pack" Przypasniak, and Stephan "vEz" Vezina. FHAK actually got off to a 7-2 lead, and managed to end the first half 8-7 in their favor. However, Ian "motm" Hardy stepped up big for AZIO, and helped his team to claim the map 16-11, despite the work of Kory "SEMPHIS" Friesen.
The final match was between Test Takers and wrsrule, which ended in a stomp for the Test Takers side. wrsrule could only muster a single round in the first half, before falling victim to Victor "food" Wong. This led to a an easy 16-1 for the former RESOLUTE squad.
The semifinals begin at 3:00 PM EDT tomorrow, with the final taking place right after and determining the second team after FURIA to move on to the closed qualifier.