Marca Registrada vs. anything else tips & odds
ESEA Advanced Season 52 North America
anything else
Marca Registrada summary
This speaks in favor of Marca Registrada
Better form ranking
Marca Registrada is better ranked (#113)
This speaks against Marca Registrada
Core lineup has only played 10 matches together
anything else summary
This speaks in favor of anything else
Could not find anything that speaks in favor of anything else
This speaks against anything else
Core lineup has not played any maps the past 30 days
mcniff has played less than 5 matches with core
anything else is worse ranked (#unranked)
Map stats
Marca Registrada
anything else
0 maps

0 maps
0 maps

0 maps
1 map

0 maps
0 maps

0 maps
2 maps

0 maps
2 maps

0 maps
3 maps

0 maps
Team analysis
Marca Registrada
anything else
Matches played
Win streak
Win rate
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