Team Bunnies win MEGA Bash Fe

The Bunnies pounce on $200.

Cloudy_y, _Lexa-, Space-Bogan, Syn, and torii won the women's only tournament Mega Bash Fe this weekend under the Team Bunnies tag.

The tournament had eight teams in total, and Team Bunnies defeated Team Axolotls, Team Dogs, and Team Rats to win the title. They took home $200 in prize money.

Mega Bash Fe was played on March 8th during International Women's Day, and intentionally didn't feature any professional team. The goal of the tournament was to provide a "fun competition to get more girls to play together and make new friends".

Given that 40 players signed up for Mega Bash Fe so quickly, MEGA will most likely organize another edition in the future. The organization, which is the home for women's team MEGA JUNERS, hopes that these events help more players form teams.

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