NA teams lament PGL Bucharest qualifier scheduling
Many in North America have complained about the scheduling and rescheduling of the PGL Bucharest closed qualifier. The qualifier was eventually rescheduled to midday in the middle of the work week, which upset many.
Numerous tier-two players in NA are not full-time professional players, so they usually either work or are students. This led to multiple forfeits coming through, and some teams losing a chance to qualify for a top tier LAN.
Wanted Goons posted this on X:
Choosing to postpone a qualifier is one thing. Choosing to schedule it in the middle of the day during the week is absolutely absurd.
In a scene that is already struggling, why not to try to maximize the available opportunities?
Here’s to hoping TOs learn from this…
Justin "jsfeltner" Feltner of InControl had this to say on X:
Whats the point of having times for games we if we arent going to follow the times and start games 1.5 hours before the schedule time @pglesports @idkwhoelseto@
Take Flyte commented on X:
Sadly with match time being scheduled mid day on a work week our boys will not be able to play and must forfeit the match in the @pglesports
Bucharest Qualifier. This loss puts us out of the qualifier. GG
Akimbo did not pull any punches on X:
Sadly, our PGL Bucharest run was cut extremely short today.
As most of you know, it is sometimes difficult for players to be available during the mid-day, as many of us have work, school, or other responsibilities we must prioritize first.
Most teams and organizations in this community understand this and actively work together to avoid time constraints and conflicts. Most teams strive for fair and competitive sportsmanship amongst their peers.
Sadly, some teams do not feel this way. Some teams intentionally do not cooperate when they easily could. Some teams prefer an easy win.
It’s disappointing to see type of behavior at this level of competition. Do better.
Many NA teams clearly feel hard done by with PGL's scheduling and inability to work with the orgs to find more apt times for the games.
PGL will hopefully take this into account for future qualifiers held in the region.
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