all aim no name

all aim no name vs. InControl tips & odds

Fragadelphia 16 Chicago
January 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022
1 - 2
all aim no name
Khizar 'Momo' Rehman
Bradley 'Slugy' Kohler
United States Slugy
McKinley 'Cyrix' Hollison
United States Cyrix
Matthew 'd4rty' Paplawskas
United States d4rty
Fadi 'Fade' Al-Najjar
Win streak
John 'arcade' Rogel
United States arcade
Andrew 'Andrew' Burrell
United States Andrew
Ken 'krotomo' Otomo
United States krotomo
Jake 'STRiiDER' MacDonald
United States STRiiDER
William 'spek' Smith
United States spek
Win streak
all aim no name K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Khizar 'Momo' Rehman 59 - 60 -1 89.0 72.8% 1.11
United States McKinley 'Cyrix' Hollison 63 - 55 +8 78.4 65.4% 1.09
United States Bradley 'Slugy' Kohler 58 - 53 +5 76.2 72.8% 1.06
United States Matthew 'd4rty' Paplawskas 51 - 54 -3 67.0 64.2% 0.91
Fadi 'Fade' Al-Najjar 47 - 61 -14 64.9 65.4% 0.81
InControl K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Andrew 'Andrew' Burrell 73 - 51 +22 90.3 75.3% 1.41
United States John 'arcade' Rogel 66 - 55 +11 86.3 66.7% 1.15
United States Jake 'STRiiDER' MacDonald 55 - 55 +0 80.6 66.7% 1.07
United States William 'spek' Smith 44 - 59 -15 60.9 63.0% 0.91
United States Ken 'krotomo' Otomo 42 - 58 -16 59.0 60.5% 0.83
all aim no name K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Bradley 'Slugy' Kohler 18 - 18 +0 104.2 65.0% 1.22
Khizar 'Momo' Rehman 12 - 17 -5 79.5 70.0% 0.84
United States Matthew 'd4rty' Paplawskas 11 - 14 -3 65.2 70.0% 0.81
United States McKinley 'Cyrix' Hollison 8 - 15 -7 49.3 55.0% 0.64
Fadi 'Fade' Al-Najjar 11 - 17 -6 50.8 55.0% 0.54
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4 - 16
InControl K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Andrew 'Andrew' Burrell 26 - 10 +16 137.2 95.0% 2.27
United States John 'arcade' Rogel 20 - 11 +9 84.2 80.0% 1.36
United States Jake 'STRiiDER' MacDonald 10 - 12 -2 69.5 70.0% 1.13
United States Ken 'krotomo' Otomo 12 - 12 +0 62.8 65.0% 1.01
United States William 'spek' Smith 12 - 15 -3 69.1 70.0% 0.95
all aim no name K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Khizar 'Momo' Rehman 28 - 21 +7 92.5 73.5% 1.32
United States McKinley 'Cyrix' Hollison 27 - 19 +8 82.3 67.6% 1.19
United States Bradley 'Slugy' Kohler 27 - 17 +10 72.6 73.5% 1.15
Fadi 'Fade' Al-Najjar 22 - 23 -1 77.4 73.5% 1.04
United States Matthew 'd4rty' Paplawskas 23 - 23 +0 70.6 55.9% 1.03
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3 - 13
8 - 14
15 - 15
InControl K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States Andrew 'Andrew' Burrell 28 - 23 +5 79.9 61.8% 1.19
United States William 'spek' Smith 18 - 23 -5 60.7 61.8% 1.01
United States John 'arcade' Rogel 23 - 29 -6 83.4 50.0% 0.98
United States Jake 'STRiiDER' MacDonald 23 - 25 -2 76.2 61.8% 0.94
United States Ken 'krotomo' Otomo 9 - 27 -18 38.9 50.0% 0.44
all aim no name K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States McKinley 'Cyrix' Hollison 28 - 21 +7 95.1 70.4% 1.33
Khizar 'Momo' Rehman 19 - 22 -3 91.6 74.1% 1.05
United States Matthew 'd4rty' Paplawskas 17 - 17 +0 63.7 70.4% 0.89
United States Bradley 'Slugy' Kohler 13 - 18 -5 60.0 77.8% 0.88
Fadi 'Fade' Al-Najjar 14 - 21 -7 59.7 63.0% 0.73
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7 - 11
7 - 12
7 - 13
7 - 14
8 - 15
11 - 16
InControl K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
United States John 'arcade' Rogel 23 - 15 +8 91.4 77.8% 1.33
United States Jake 'STRiiDER' MacDonald 22 - 18 +4 94.3 70.4% 1.23
United States Ken 'krotomo' Otomo 21 - 19 +2 81.4 70.4% 1.22
United States Andrew 'Andrew' Burrell 19 - 18 +1 68.6 77.8% 1.14
United States William 'spek' Smith 14 - 21 -7 55.0 59.3% 0.76
Match info

The CS2 match between all aim no name and InControl is a part of Fragadelphia 16 Chicago and was played January 23, 2022 07:10PM

The following maps were played: Mirage, Nuke and Vertigo

all aim no name's match lineup
Momo, Slugy, Cyrix, d4rty and Fade
InControl's match lineup
arcade, Andrew, krotomo, STRiiDER and spek
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