Seb hopes to finish 2024 strong with Limitless

Seb: "I think we'll be able to put some wins together"

Seb has high hopes for the Limitless squad now that they've shed their subs.

Limitless have struggled immensely in ESL Challenger League Season 48, with the team currently sitting at a 2-14 record in part due to having to use subs for much of the season. Despite that, when the team has had their full roster in action there have been glimmers of hope for the squad — exemplified by their run this weekend at Fragicago 2024. The underdog squad managed to make their way all the way to semifinals and even take a map off of Nouns before being felled by the eventual champions.

Following the end to their run,' Jeffrey "Mnmzzz" Moore spoke to Sebastian "Seb" Dietrich about their time at Fragicago 2024, playing with Mason "Lake" Sanderson, and the team's expectations now that their full roster is in action, among other topics.

That was a very competitive series despite the difference in rankings and experience between the two teams. How do you feel the squad did in their bout against Nouns?

Obviously it's tough not being able to close out the match, but I'm not too ashamed. Nouns is a super strong team in the region and we didn't have too much going into this. We were just looking to have fun and we could've closed out the maps but overall I'm not too ashamed today in the result, we played well.

This is the best result we have seen from this Limitless since it formed. With the team finally being able to use this roster in ECL as well, does this result give you hope that you're going to be able to turn the season around?

Absolutely, yeah. Like you said we have had to use two subs for the first half of the season. That entire time we've been putting in work with the real five and I think we're going to be able to make a good turnaround the second half of the season. I think we'll be able to put some wins together.

Last season on Carpe Diem you had the chance to play with Lake before he was called up to M80. What was it like playing with him, and was it evident that he was going to be the next one up in the NA scene?

Oh for sure. Lake from the get-go was super talented and during our original project roster on Snakes Den he was sought out as one of the up-and-coming players. Even though he was less known we knew he had the talent, the raw mechanics, and the mind. He's super smart in game, out of the server he's a great guy so there was no doubt. He was definitely next up.

At the start of the ECL season Limitless had to play with wiz and Tender as stand-ins. What was it like playing with wiz even if he was playing with a stand-in?

Absolutely, wiz has a lot of experience. He has played at tier-one events, with RBG, and then EG. He helped us see how to play around him, letting him make calls as an AWPer, and seeing the big picture. He helped us a lot. We owe a lot of credit to him because he taught us so much throughout the time we were playing with him.

Your new AWPer, Cyrix, just came back from a trip abroad. How do you feel about his from after his time away from the game?

He maybe had that concern because he was away for a couple of months studying abroad, but we did some scrims with him from Japan with 120 ping and he was still frying people on the server.

It doesn't even look like he left to be honest, and I'm excited to see him in the server again because he's gonna kill it.

I believe DJF is standing down from this roster after Fraicago. What's his situation?

DJF is very busy. He works full-time, and while he wanted to commit a lot of time to the season with our circumstances it's tough for him to be able to commit as many hours. That being said he decided to take a step back which we all fully respected and as far as a replacement we can't confirm anything but we are excited to bring a new light into the team.

Is there a chance we'll see Limitless on LAN soon at either Fragadelphia x Tap or Fragadelphia 18?

Certainly. We're just now getting our core five together in ECL and we're going to get as many reps as we can in officials online or any LAN event that we're able to attend. We're going to have a presence and try to make a deep run like we did here.

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