NAF has to run the gauntlet once again

2024 PGL Copenhagen Major Americas RMR Open Qualifier signups are open

Yeah, try saying that five times fast.

The holidays are whizzing by, but it's no rest for the weary as the next Major cycle is about to kick into high gear. We are now only 11 days away from the beginning of the 2024 PGL Copenhagen Major Americas RMR Open Qualifiers where will be broadcasting every single round of action live for everyone to see.

For North American teams, the signups are now live with the first Open Qualifier sign up here and the second one here.

As of now, there are a low amount of signups as many were not even aware that registration was even open. There are only two teams with a complete roster registered to participate in both open qualifiers; VALORANT-, and the newest Americas superteam, Liquid. NRG is also signed up for both qualifiers, with Damian "daps" Steele the only registered player so far.

Teams are expected to start registering following the holidays as they might be reasonably busy during this week. Qualifiers begin on January 8th and will continue through the week to the Closed Qualifiers that weekend.

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