Reason part ways with BeaKie

After making ECL, Reason are making changes.

On December 17th, Reason's head coach, Sean "Coastal" Thompson announced the departure of Brody "BeaKie" Kelly, seeing the Canadian leave the roster after five months. BeaKie's depature from Reason comes in the aftermath of the team regaining their ECL spot for ESL Challenger League Season 47 after besting Pantsu and Bad News Bears in Season 46 Relegation.

During Relegation, BeaKie was far and away Reason's best player, posting a 1.34 rating over five maps. As such, his departure from the team raises questions about the team's rationale, especially as BeaKie does not seemingly have a future home locked in. reached out to the team, with coastal telling that BeaKie's personality was not a good fit for the team.

With this, Reason are now:

  • United States Brennan “grape” Greer

  • United States Keanu “Danejoris” Reyes

  • United States Muhammad "Mellow" Ali

  • United States Austin "AJaxz" Janocha

  • United States Sean "Coastal" Thompson (Coach)

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#1(With 5 replies)
December 19, 2023 08:48PM
Reason is pretty much an Advanced team without BeaKie if I'm honest. Hopefully, Grape (not saying his peak or anything just saying hope he gets back to his best) gets back to his peak and the other players step up otherwise I definitely could see them getting relegated at their current level of play. Hoping BeaKie gets a chance with a top team cause he's shown he's AT LEAST an average ECL-level player but would have to show it on a team that is actually getting results in ECL.
#2(With 4 replies)
December 20, 2023 10:17AM
I agree, their new signing whoever it is, will definitely have to be decent to keep them out of relegation again.
#3(With 3 replies)
December 20, 2023 07:09PM
Indeed, I think it'll have to be someone like Bwills but I'd say he is most likely going to be heavily sought after by top ECL teams or mid-level ones of which Reason is neither.
#4(With 2 replies)
December 21, 2023 03:25PM
Managing to stay in ECL will make it at least a little bit easier to recruit players.
#5(With 1 replies)
December 21, 2023 05:31PM
True, just feel like they won't be able to find a player that is at the same level as BeaKie, also, realistically they need someone even better than BeaKie to add to their roster if they want to do some damage.
#6(With 0 replies)
December 21, 2023 10:40PM
...and now they are no longer with Reason, which means even less of a reason for a decent player to join.

Although it was apparently an unpaid gig anyway, so who knows.
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