As we don't have a picture of a2z, enjoy moose

eUnited spell out their new coach with a2z

After a brief trial with the team, eUnited has announced their new coach.

After initially enlisting his services at the end of January, eUnited have publicly announced the signing of Armeen "a2z" Toussi as their new coach.

Before signing with eUnited, a2z was previously spotted trialing with the team during the IEM Sydney Closed Qualifier where the team made it to the finals before eventually falling to Swole Patrol.

Of course, as it would turn out, eUnited went on to acquire the majority of the Swole Patrol squad that beat them, but it seems he made enough of a positive impression during his first outing that they decided to retain him. Additionally, a2z is no stranger to the eUnited organization, having briefly played with them during the latter half of 2016.

For the eUnited organization, a2z will be filling the hole left by Jared "osorandom" Hartman, after the coach was removed from the team following a 2018 harassment scandal that ended his one-and-a-half association year with the original eUnited/Rise Nation core.

With the addition of a2z, eUnited's roster is now:

  • Canada Kaleb "moose" Jayne
  • United States Austin "Cooper-" Abadir
  • Mexico Edgar "MarKE" Jimenez
  • United States Victor "food" Wong
  • United States Anthony "vanity" Malaspina
  • Canada Armeen "a2z" Toussi (Coach)

a2z will be making his LAN debut with eUnited during EPL Season 9 which is set to begin on April 12th.

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#1(With 0 replies)
March 13, 2019 07:13AM
The Armeen
#2(With 0 replies)
March 13, 2019 01:33PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
why isn't he playing, he's the best in NA
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