Saints Gaming Live to host $2,500 LAN in Ontario

The United States may be the land of the free, but Canada is the land of the LAN.

Saints Gaming, an organization affiliated with St. Clair College in Ontario, Canada, are the latest tournament organizer to throw their hat into the Canadian LAN ring.

Set to be held from June 9-10 at the St. Clair College SportsPlex, the event will feature a grand total of $20,000 in prizing across seven games, as well as a potential of $50,000 on offer in the way of scholarships.

Of the total $20,000 pot, Counter-Strike lays claim to $2,500. Registration for the event is available here.

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#1(With 0 replies)
May 29, 2018 01:59AM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
ez for Ryan "Ryan With The Pegleg" Style
#2(With 1 replies)
May 29, 2018 04:38AM
ez win for Goofy n the Bois featuring MDL/ Advanced player Blake "Strings" Stringer, main players Jack "yelraD" Darley and Brian "BlueSky" Wortman, and best duo in IM Cody "Don't Call Me "Cody "cdiixon" Dixon" Dixon and Macaulay "Snakelore" Wilson
#4(With 0 replies)
May 29, 2018 01:48PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
ez way to jinx yourself :O
#3(With 1 replies)
May 29, 2018 11:12AM
There seem to be very few LANs for MDL teams / Main teams in NA. Fragadelphia seems to be good for this but there are so many mix feeder teams. Also online cups in NA, you'll see players from MDL teams playing in some random mix team. I cant help but wonder why they just don't sign up with their own team and use it for practice?

This is in comparison to Europe where there are LANs where complete teams go and online cups have very few mix teams
#5(With 0 replies)
May 29, 2018 01:51PM
Dust2 Birthday cake!
As for LANs, NA is absolutely huge, so it's hard to get a full five to travel somewhere unless you got money to burn. But you're right about online tournies and cups, it's a shame there are so many mix teams that sign up when they could be playing with their actual team.
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