MWNL make changes, join Davage
MWNL have made a number of changes to their roster after being demoted in the MDL Relegation tournament. They have also been acquired by Davage, an organization that has been founded relatively recently.
Remaining on the team are Josh "joshBM" Blier and Kevin "4Pack" Przypasniak, with the remainder of the team departing for pastures new, the most recent of which being David "Sneaky" Polster who now sits on the roster page for Fam143.
Joining the team is Jacob "Hamlik" Hamlik, who was part of the previous roster Davage held in ESEA Open where they secured promotion to ESEA Main after finishing top 16, and Hunter "Zeusmeister" Shrum, who was part of Dogs of War in Advanced, who finisheed outside of the playoff spaces last season. Returning to the squad is the moderately unexpected Corey "flashstep" Parks, who's last spell of competitive play was with joshBM back when the team was still CheckSix in season 26 of MDL.
Whilst an unknown team, Davage held a roster that competed in ESEA Open last season, which included Jacob "Hamlik" Hamlik. Dust2.us has been informed that the squad has a substantial financial backing, though have been unable to confirm.
The Davage roster is:
Josh "joshBM" Blier
Kevin "4Pack" Przypasniak
Corey "flashstep" Parks
Jacob "Hamlik" Hamlik
Hunter "Zeusmeister" Shrum
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