Sponsored: Get 25% off AceZone A-Spire headsets!

Use Dust2us' code to get 25% your next order!

This is a sponsored article that helps support Dust2.us

Looking for a new headset, or perhaps thinking about purchasing one from AceZone? Well now you have even more of a reason to pull the trigger.

From now until July 31st, you can receive a 25% discount on the A-Spire headset when you use the code Dust25US at the checkout when shopping at AceZone.

When using the code, you will save almost $80 in your purchase of the A-Spire. That takes the total price down from $319 to $239! At the time, using the code helps support Dust2.us so that we can continue providing free coverage of North American and international Counter-Strike.

If you are not interested in the A-Spire, you can also go after the A-Spire Wireless or the A-Rise!

Counter-Strike is a game that requires you to hear every step, but also to communicate clearly. With the AceZone headset it comes with a microphone that uses technology for fighter pilots allower crisper voice comms to your teammates.

Use code Dust25US on your next AceZone purchase!

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#1(With 0 replies)
June 29, 2024 05:38PM
That's a cool sponsor
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